Anosmia – what is it and how can it be treated?

Anosmia - how to pronounce

Anosmia is pronounced like: 'An Oz Mia'


What is the definition of anosmia?

Anosmia is the partial or full loss of sense of smell.


Anosmia - how long does it last?

Anosmia can be temporary or permanent - this depends on the cause, the person, the circumstances and any anosmia treatment(s).


What can cause anosmia?

Anosmia can have different causes but common causes include:

Brain disorders e.g. Parkinson's disease, head/brain injury, brain tumour, dementia, depression

Infection e.g. cold, influenza (flu), COVID-19




How does anosmia happen?

You can partially or completely lose your sense of smell when the mucus membranes in your nose are irritated or obstructed such as when you have a severe cold or a sinus infection, for example.


Why does anosmia occur in COVID?

The reasons anomia often occurs with COVID-19 infection is not fully clear. It is possible that nasal irritation and/or obstruction contribute to anosmia with COVID-19 infection, just like other infections.


Can anosmia be treated

Yes – the good news is that anosmia can be treated…although this may take some time and vary from person to person.


If you are living with anosmia, why not try some of these strategies?


Certain food supplements can help. Check out our scientific article:

COVID-19 and smell: parosmia, hyposmia, anosmia - scientific evidence for nutrition and supplements?




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